Webinar Topic List
Explosion Basics With Screening Application
1th September 2021, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Mr. Kenneth First
CCPS Staff Consultant and Lecturer at University of Michigan
This webinar will provide necessary knowledge about explosions, definition of different types explosions, and different types of explosion models with case studies.

Behavioral Based Safety
8th September 2021, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Ms. Shwetha Rao
HSES Manager - India, AkzoNobel India Ltd.
This webinar will provide knowledge about what is behavioral based safety, why is it important, different models of BBS with examples and how to implement them in your workplace.
Access to the presentation and webinar recording will be provided upon request. You can contact us for details.

Electrostatic Discharge Risk Assessment
15th September 2021, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Mr. Mahesh Jalkote
Manager Corporate Safety, Asian Paints.
This webinar will provide knowledge about what is electrostatic risk assessment, how to perform them with examples and precautions to avoid such accidents in your workplace.

MOC & PSSR In Managing Operations Risks
22nd September 2021, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Ms. Ruchita Gosavi
Senior Engineer S&OR Reliance Industries Limited.
The webinar will highlight the importance of a quality MOC and PSSR program as it lends itself to a successful Risk Based Process Safety Program. Case studies show that unrecognized hazards and improper MOC and PHA techniques lead to catastrophic results. Session will also cover success stories along with customizable tools, where MOC and PSSR were effectively applied in risk-based decisions throughout the lifecycle of the facility.
Access to the presentation and webinar recording will be provided upon request. You can contact us for details.
Pressure Safety/Process Safety Interactions: Close Cooperation?
29th September 2021, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Mr. John Hauser
Principal Engineer ProSaf.
This webinar highlights the roles and responsibilities of ERS Designer. The guidelines and standards the designer should know. Examples, tips and techniques on how to implement a relief design.

How Organization Structure Creates Culture?
1th October 2021, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM IST (GMT+5.30 hrs)
Ms. Gilsa Pacheco Monteiro
Process Safety Specialist.
This webinar provides insights on different types of organizational structures, its advantages and disadvantages with case studies.