Blog tagged as Process Safety

Why PSM programs fail? A case study

Why PSM programs fail? A case study

By Hema Divya

Accidents related to chemical process operations have resulted in loss of human lives, assets, business interruptions, and has negative reputation on the company. The paper is going to highlight how deficiency in compliance audit can lead to catastrophic incidents. Process Safety Management program ...

13.04.22 09:12 AM - Comment(s)
Rahul Raman at the Global Summit on Process Safety

Rahul Raman at the Global Summit on Process Safety

By Kaypear

Kaypear Principal Consultant, Rahul Raman speaks at the Global Summit on Process Safety.
17.12.21 02:32 AM - Comment(s)
Determination of PVRV Capacity

Determination of PVRV Capacity

By Kaypear

Low pressure relief devices protect storage tanks. Determination of PVRV Capacity should be done in consultation with OEM or OEM Software
05.06.21 02:05 AM - Comment(s)